Founder | Consensus
Garin Hess is a serial entrepreneur with over 18 years of hands-on in-the-trenches experience. Garin has founded two software companies, two industry conferences, and a non-profit organization. He is currently the founder and CEO of Consensus.
Sales engineers are often overworked and underappreciated. Increasing demand and budget reductions make it difficult to keep up and many presales leaders are looking for ways to increase productivity to close the gap as well as improve the quality of work life for their teams. Join us for a look at eight proven strategies and related metrics for meeting demand while freeing up bandwidth for sales engineers to do more of what they’re best at: strategic consulting conversations, preparing better for and delivering custom technical demos, giving personalized attention to key accounts
Research shows that buyers are hungry for product demostration content that is “rich in technical detail and cannot be easily faked”. They want this content early and often throughout the buying process. The challenge is that buyers today will not wade through automated demo content that is irrelevant to their unique role or interests, placed out of context, or locked in a sequence that doesn’t allow them the freedom to choose. In this session, we’ll explore three key buyer needs and how to meet them in a way that enables buyers to move more quickly through the buying process.
Research shows that buyers are hungry for product demostration content that is “rich in technical detail and cannot be easily faked”. They want this content early and often throughout the buying process. The challenge is that buyers today will not wade through automated demo content that is irrelevant to their unique role or interests, placed out of context, or locked in a sequence that doesn’t allow them the freedom to choose. In this session, we’ll explore three key buyer needs and how to meet them in a way that enables buyers to move more quickly through the buying process.