Hello, adventurer,
Ah, I see you, too, have embarked on the quest to the fabled Presales Excellence Keep.
Let us journey together then, through this realm where the metallic hum of automation fills the air, enchanting many with its promise of efficiency in the Buyer’s Journey. Yet, amidst this technological marvel, a crucial element seems to have been left in the shadows.
Who am I, you ask?
Merely a practitioner of an ancient craft, a whiteboarding magician from the era of face-to-face meetings and the tangible magic of markers—see, I have one right here. In an age dominated by the court of Buyer Enablement, where does a humble wielder of such a simple tool fit?
The answer lies in the very essence of our art. Despite the dazzling allure of demo automation, the magic of whiteboarding holds a power unmatched—a power to clarify, to connect, to convey messages with a human touch that technology alone cannot replicate.
In our session, “Whiteboarding in the Age of Demo Automation: A Tale of Dragons and Wizards,” we’ll rediscover the forgotten spells of communication and storytelling, crucial for captivating and engaging our audience. This isn’t just a journey back in time; it’s an exploration of how these ancient practices can enhance and complement the automated tools of today, ensuring our message not only reaches but resonates deeply with our buyers.